The word "mandala" is from the classical Indian language of sanskrit. Loosely translated to mean "a circle", however, in many cultures can symbolize or refer to: the universe, wholeness, our inner and outer worlds, and connectedness. Mandalas have long been a sacred and universal symbol. The creation of a Mandala as a means to awaken one's true "immortal Self' re-directing one's creative energies outward. A Mandala is also known as the "spiritual eye".
For me, my mandala creations are part of my daily yoga practice. I start each day with a Kundalini Yoga practice (called sadhana) followed with painting. This process takes me to a deeper place of creation- a space without "thinking", of quietness, and of peace. Thinking can get in the way of creating from the heart. These images flow naturally from my soul - from a place of stillness. In 2016, I began creating Watercolor Mandala Wall Hangings (Mandala Peace Flags). My designs are printed on fabric, then sewn onto a mini quilt, creating a "peace flag". (see below). To purchase, please visit SHOP NOW

available on Tshirt

This painting was done in memory of my friend "Christie" who died of ALS in 2016. Available on Tshirt and Peace Flag.

Dragonflies are a symbol of transformation. Design available on long sleeved shirt and Peace Flag.

Available on White long sleeved Shirt

5 X 5 Watercolor and ink

Peace Flags come in 6 different designs. They are approximately 6 X 9 inches.

Each stone is decorated on both sides with unique designs to inspire the heart. These are not available to purchase online.

Hand painted stones to inspire and delight. Custom stone designs are welcome.

Maya modeling! Medium Long-Sleeve.